We are commitTed to environmental integrity, consumer protection and regulatory compliance


Our governance structure enables us to pursue our purpose in a manner that is independent, transparent and responsible, whilst also ensuring that our environmental objectives remain at the forefront.

Our Governance Framework


A foundation is a unique type of legal entity founded with the sole intention of achieving a specific purpose. This purpose is articulated by its founders and captured in its Articles of Association, a legally binding document that governs the foundation’s actions.

The Carbon Reserve is a Foundation with international reach, subject to supervision at a federal level. The Swiss Federal Supervisory Authority oversees the activities of the Carbon Reserve, ensuring that the foundations activities are fully aligned to the purpose for which it was established.

We are Governed by a
board of governors.

The foundation has a Board of Governors, who are responsible for providing strategic direction to the executive management team and for guiding policy decisions, including, but not limited to carbon asset procurement and monetary policies.

Our Governance Framework maps out a robust structure and puts the Foundation on a path to independence. Currently, the Board of Governors comprise of the founding members, a custodial role that is fulfilled until independent board members are identified and appointed. View here to learn more about board member nominations.

we are run by an executive management team.

The Board of Governors delegates the day-to-day operations of the Carbon Reserve to an executive management team made up of individuals who are specialists in their fields. The executive team is responsible for overseeing the three functions within the Carbon Reserve:

  • Operations - The Operations Department is responsible for the core functions of the Carbon Reserve, namely implementing monetary policy and managing assets held by the reserve.
  • Policy, Risk and Oversight - The Policy, Risk and Oversight Department plays a central role in oversight across the reserve. It formulates policies to dictate operations that are in line with the purposes of the Carbon Reserve and is responsible for general risk identification and management.
  • Corporate Support - The Corporate Support Department ensures the smooth running of day-to-day operations by providing support in areas such as IT, HR and finance.

We follow strict anti-money laundering regulations.

The integrity of this initiative is too important to risk its unlawful exploitation. While the network is open and accessible to everyone with internet access, the network’s entry points, in the form of exchanges and wallets, follow all applicable anti-money laundering regulations.

The Carbon Reserve has delegated compliance with anti-money laundering regulation to Toco AG, an SRO regulated financial intermediary. The Carbon Reserve and Toco AG will work with law enforcement and ensure that third parties can access and analyse transaction information to detect and penalise fraud.

we prioritise
consumer protection.

We recognise that consumers of financial services products can be vulnerable. We support the authorities charged with consumer protections and we are committed to complying with all regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate.

The Carbon Reserve is committed to compliance with global privacy regulations and to working with regulators and policymakers to shape a regulatory environment that promotes privacy and blockchain technology.

The Carbon Reserve commits to working with policymakers as its financial network expands and as regulations change

The development of a global payment system and financial infrastructure based on environmental assets, such as carbon reductions, is a massive undertaking. Its success depends on its trusted and safe integration with the existing financial system. The worlds governments and their regulatory and law enforcement authorities are key stakeholders in this.

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