The carbon reserve is a Swiss-based not-for-profit foundation set on expanding the global carbon market


Our purpose is to provide global citizens and corporations with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary system that enables and supports credible atmospheric carbon reduction.


The functions of the Carbon Reserve

Set and conduct monetary policy

We operate in the voluntary carbon market to target atmospheric carbon reduction (in line with IPCC recommendations) and maintain the mitigation amount represented by tocos in circulation.

Ensure an efficient and safe payment system

We provide a safe, efficient, and accessible system for recording assets and conducting toco transactions.

Drive carbon market stability

We monitor carbon mitigation market risks and engage with participants to help ensure the market supports carbon reduction in line with IPCC recommendations.

Champion public protection

We regulate participants in the blockchain system for compliance and ensure that the Reserve’s operations and assets are transparent and verifiable to the public.

Ensure accurate mitigation value assessment

We engage with originators, verification-and-monitoring agencies, registries, dealers, and rating agencies from across jurisdictions to provide transparent and accurate carbon asset ratings and assessments.

Manage a portfolio of assets

We manage the currency and CMA reserves.  The level of our reserves is largely dictated by the implementation of monetary policy.

Foundation overview

The founders of the Carbon Reserve intentionally chose the legal structure of a foundation to ensure the toco initiative’s independence, trustworthiness, and transparency.

legal entity
Not-for-profit Foundation
September 2022
The Carbon Reserve
1 Place de Longemalle
1204 Geneva
Board of Governors
articles of association
Download here
The Carbon Reserve's legal structure ensures the following:

1. As an independent legal entity the Foundation has sole ownership of its assets, which are managed under a strict mandate for the sole benefit of the toco economy. It operates free from external interest, interference, influence or profit motives.

2. The Foundation adheres to a strict mandate and operates within a set of predetermined organizational rules and guidelines that are publicly available for anyone to review.

3. The Foundation’s operating principles and mandate are subject to supervision and oversight by the Swiss supervisory authority.

4. The Foundation is set up for the benefit of the general public and not its founders. It is a non-profit and operates chiefly to achieve the environmental goals outlined in its founding documents.

5. The Foundation's Board of Governors are responsible for setting monetary policy and ensuring that the Carbon Reserve operates in line with its purpose.

Board of governors

The founding members of the Carbon Reserve are serving a two-year term on the Board of Trustees to help lead the Carbon Reserve through its inception stage towards maturity and independence. Thereafter a transition to a fully independent board will be made.

Niel Schoeman


Niel co-founded several technology and telecommunication firms including Vumatel, Conduct and the Birchman Group. He is currently a director at the investment firm Advencap.

Paul Rowett

Vice Chairman

Paul co-founded Lobster Ink, an ed-tech platform designed for the hospitality industry. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer at toco.

Johan Pretorius


Johan is currently a founder and director at investment firm Advencap. Previously he co-founded several technology and telecommunication firms including Vumatel and Conduct.

Michael Eder


Michael is a business professional and economist with experience in IT and sustainability consulting. He is actively involved in promoting toco via the Carbon is Money initiative.

Governing principles

The key principles that guide the operations, management, and oversight of the Carbon Reserve include:
01 Independence

To ensure the success of the toco initiative, the integrity of the Carbon Reserve cannot be compromised by external interests, influences, or profit motives. The Carbon Reserve owns its assets. These assets do not belong to any one person and can only be managed for the benefit of the toco economy.

02 Transparency

Transparency is key to independent and responsible governance. Because we use blockchain technology to record all asset and currency transactions, it is possible for any third party to verify and audit both the assets held in the Carbon Reserve and the total tocos in circulation.

03 Responsibility

We believe in the ongoing stability of national currencies; in safe, secure, and stable banking systems and in strong consumer protections. The Carbon Reserve will continually work with policymakers as the financial network expands and as regulations change.